In todays high-paced environment, people are interacting more than ever before. With so much interaction, a lot of people end up with tons of contacts on several different social media platforms. This can make it difficult to make social media personable. Keeping in contact with people to say hello, wishing happy birthday, or just asking to hang out doesn’t occur as often simply because you forget someone you might have someones contact with some people. This problem has become more common with more and more people being on social media. Ntouch has a goal of continual interaction between people. Ntouch Is a messaging platform that allows users the ability to schedule, send and receive SMS messages/images,Ntouch Features:- SMS GroupChat- Sending/receiving image- Taking pictures - Schedule re-occurring messages, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. - Send one message to many people at the same time using the "Multi-Chat" Feature.